
Showing posts from February, 2013

Simple DC Motor Control using 8051

This is a simple DC motor control using 8051: Download Source Code and Simulation : Click Here

Automatic Cooling Fan System Using 8051

This Project is about automatically controlling the cooling fan using 8051. The Source code and Proteus Simulation file is attached. Click Here to Begin Download Note: The temperature senor LM35 is bypassed using a voltage supply for simulation purpose.  

Single Phase AC Motor speed controller using 8051

Single phase AC Motor speed controller Abstract:   Here is a very simple example of AC motor speed control given by changing firing angle of TRIAC with the help of micro controller AT89C51. Varying speed of AC motor by means of changing firing angle of any thyristor is very widely used method. One very nice example is fan regulator in which a fan motor is an AC motor used and its speed is varied using TRIAC method. A zero crossing detector circuit is used here to interrupt AT89C51 after every 10 ms. After getting an interrupt 89C51 will fire TRIAC after some delay from 1 to 9 ms. This will cut the current supplied to motor and so the speed of motor will reduce. Thus by varying the delay after which the TRIAC is triggered one can change the speed of motor. Main circuit is a combination of two sub circuits. Zero crossing detector circuit Firing angle control circuit Resources:     To download Code , Circuit : Click Here   Zero c...

DC Motor Control using PWM with ADC

Requirements: AT89S52/AT89C51 micro controller ADC0804 ADC chip Preset (10K) 555 timer (with apt. resistor and capacitor values) 7805 IC L293D IC DC motor Description: This project involves a combination of PWM (pulse width modulation) and ADC (Analog-Digital converter) to drive a DC motor at various speeds and in both clock and anti directions. PWM is a concept with which one can modify the pulse voltage varying it from 0% duty cycle to 100%.Duty cycle represents the time for which pulse is high when compared to the full pulse length. This means for a 25% one, you’ll we get 25% of the input voltage and the criterion is same for the rest of them. Now in the coding part I have made the changes in the duty cycle in accordance with the digital output I get from the ADC. The ADC is connected to my microcontroller at PORT1. The preset which I have used here to send the analog input can be replaced by a “joystick” with inbuilt preset to make it more realistic and interesting to...