Touch command in powershell
The following power shell program is the similar to the Touch Command in Unix. It has the following features. create new file modify time stamp <#Read Me: Developed By: Name:Vaneeswaran N #> $Function_Exit_Status = $false #Variable to store the exit status of the function function Touch_File ( $filename ) { $global:Function_Exit_Status = $false if (! [System.IO.File] ::Exists( $filename )) { echo "" > $filename $global:Function_Exit_Status = $true } else { $update = get-date try { Set-ItemProperty -Path $filename -Name LastWriteTime -Value $update $global:Function_Exit_Status = $true } catch { Log_Exception $( $_ .Exception.GetType().FullName) $( $_ .Exception.Message) $global:Function_Exit_Status = $false ...