how to automate Serial/Telnet/ssh Login Using TTL

This is a simple ttl script which is used to automate the login in serial/ssh/telnet
To know more about ttl :

;Developed By:
;    Vaneeswaran N 

connect '/C=10'    ;connect to com port 10

UsernamePrompt = 'login:'  ; setting username prompt
Username = 'root'          ; variable to hold the username value
PasswordPrompt = ' '       ; setting username prompt 
Password = 'admin@123'     ; variable to hold the password

; running an infinite while loop so whenever login reboot happens it will b automatically logged in
while 1      
 wait   UsernamePrompt ;waiting for the userpromt
 sendln Username   ;feeding the username once prompts 

 wait   PasswordPrompt
 sendln Password
;auto login complete.