Powershell is one of the power tool in windows through which we can perform alot of automation through COMObjects. In this example, we are using COMObject for Outlook App installed in the system to perform automation. Note : Outlook App should be installed in the system <#Read Me: Developed By: Name:Vaneeswaran N www.vaneeswaran.com ##Function Name : Send_Email ##Descrption : Used to Send Mail ##Argument : Subject and Body of the Mail #> function Send_Email( $To , $Subject , $Body ) { echo "Sending Email Started.... " try { $olFolderInbox = 6 $Outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application $Mail = $Outlook .CreateItem(0) $Mail .To = $To $Mail .Subject = $Subject $Mail .Body = $Body if ( $Body .length -gt 10) #Check to mail body is more than 10 char { ...
Sometimes it will be annoying when your music player start's playing the WhatsApp Audio or recorded audio's. In exclude such contents from your music player you can refer the below. This method not only applicable for Audio but also for all media files like video. Step 1: create a file ".nomedia" in the folder where you don't want audio / video /media files to be shown from music / video players. incase if you can't able to create the file ".nomedia" in the folder you can copy the file from the folder WhatsApp > media > audio > sent Explanation : generally android OS skips the folders which has .nomedia file while indexing. these index are used by audio / video player's.
Please refer the below article to see someone's Instagram DP. Step 1: copy the Profile Link of the person you want to see Step 2: open a browser and paste the link over there Step 3: if you didn't login please login with your insta account Step 4: once insta profile is loaded click on the dp Step 5: select open image in new tab Step 6: now you got the image which you wanted to see 😜😜😜😜
The below code will check whether the given number is power of 2 or not Link : https://github.com/vaneeswaran/my_c_codes/blob/master/bit_operations/check_power_of_two.c
The below code is used to swap the even and odd bits in a 32 bit integer Github Link : https://github.com/vaneeswaran/my_c_codes/blob/master/bit_operations/swap%20even%20and%20odd%20bits%20in%20a%2032%20bit%20integer.c
The below is the code to print the given 32 bit integer into binary format Link : https://github.com/vaneeswaran/my_c_codes/blob/master/bit_operations/Print_Integer_binary_format_and_count_0's_1's.c
The below is the code to test the machine is running on little or big endian Github Link : https://github.com/vaneeswaran/my_c_codes/blob/master/bit_operations/test_little_or_big_endian.c
/* Read Me: # Coded By: # Name:Vaneeswaran N # www.vaneeswaran.com # Description : # The below code will do the following operation in a linked list # 1) Create / Insert Linked List # 2) Delete Linked List # 3) Print Linked List # 4) Sort Linked List # */ Github Link: https://github.com/vaneeswaran/my_c_codes/blob/master/Linked_List/Linked%20List%20Operations.c
The below is sample project where string functions are kept in a library. Read Me: Coded By: Name:Vaneeswaran N www.vaneeswaran.com Description : Sample project to demonstrate how to write a C library , build as a shared library and use it Files : main.c - Invokes the functions from the shared library vanees.h - Defines the functions used in the shared library vanees_string.c - Has the implementation of the functions that are used in the shared library gen_lib.sh - This script will compile all files and create a shared library GitHub Link to download : https://github.com/vaneeswaran/my_c_codes/tree/master/How_to_create_a_C_library