
Showing posts from 2018

How to create website for free

In this article i'm going to show you how to create a static website for completely free. These are below steps.Basically when I say free it means i'm using free hosting space and free domain name. Please refer this link if  you don't know what is domain name & hosting. For Hosting : Create a blogspot with .  By default blogspot provide some templates but also you can upload templates from site like this  Link . For Domain Name : For free domain name we can use .tk domain . BUT I NEVER SUGGEST TO USE .TK domains as you can use this domain at max for 6 months . after this if you want to use the same one you have to pay alot. so if you planning for a website for your own NEVER EVER use .tk domain . its better pay around 600 rupees for a domain for your own profile. Once you are done with above two you can refer this link   to link Hosting & Domain Space. A sample site which is created out of this method : www.vane...

What is domain name , hosting space , DNS

To create a website you need two things, ·                           Domain Name ·                          Hosting Space Domain Name: ·        In a nut shell domain name is similar your house address / phone number, its an unique entry where people use it to reach you. Eg : .To can purchase a domain from a domain name service   (DNS) provider like godaddy , bigrock paying around 500 rupees (may change based on time / service provide / offer).Yearly once you have to renew your site. ·          You can even buy domain name for free but the extension will be ending in .tk.               Link :     But I will never ever recommend this .tk domain’s as you can hold only these domain for at ...

How to link blog spot with domain name

Once you have the both mentioned below you can follow the below steps: ·        A domain name ( ) ·        A blog spot  ( ) Refer : This Link if you don't know what is domain name / DNS or hosting space Step 1: Enabling Redirect in blogger: ·        Go to blogger and choose your blog Settings -> Basic -> Publishing -> Setup a third-party URL for your blog. Add your domain name and save it : ·        Once you click Save you can see the below error , don’t close the window Step 2: Update CNAME in DNS Provider eg: Godaddy ·        Login to your Go daddy account -> Select your domain -> DNS Manager : ·        Check if there is any existing CNAME (Type) with www (Name) entry if so then edit the value...

How to keep desktop awake

The following script will keep your desktop awake,It basically sends caps lock signal to the system periodically. Just copy the code and save it as a power shell (.ps1) file and execute it. If you face any permission issue''s while executing this , then simply open " Windows PowerShell ISE " and copy the code. <#Read Me: Developed By: Name:Vaneeswaran N #> $myshell = New-Object -com "Wscript.Shell" for ( ;; ) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 $myshell.sendkeys( "{NUMLOCK}" ) }

how to automate Serial/Telnet/ssh Login Using TTL

This is a simple ttl script which is used to automate the login in serial/ssh/telnet To know more about ttl : ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Developed By : ; Vaneeswaran N ; www . vaneeswaran . com ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ connect '/C=10' ; connect to com port 10 UsernamePrompt = 'login:' ; setting username prompt Username = 'root' ; variable to hold the username value PasswordPrompt = ' ' ; setting username prompt Password = 'admin@123' ; variable to hold the password ; running an infinite while loop so whenever login reboot happens it will b automatically logged in while 1 wait UsernamePrompt ; waiting for the userpromt sendln Username ; feeding the username once prompts wait PasswordPrompt ...

How to write a simple ttl script macro

Tera Term is an open source terminal which is similar to putty. It supports a Script Language called " Tera Term Language " or " macro " which can be used to automate the CLI based user action. Using this script we can do a lot of automation. The beauty of this script are that these script will be running in host computer and commands are executed on the target.Which means even the target goes for reboot the scipt will be still running and even we can capture/ automate certain tasks which involves reboot.Also no matter whatever the target we can develop script as these scripts are running in the hosts (windows). Advantages over other scripting language; Target Platform Independent Able to continue to run even after reboot Changes in the target is not required Supported over serial,ssh,telnet connections. Executing a TTL Script   How to Use it: Establish a serial/telnet/ssh connection by setting up the baud rates.  Launch the ttl script by going t...